Tuesday, August 19, 2008


I havent really done anything over the last few days. Reason being... I caught a summer cold the other day and im still trying to get over it... its basically gone though. This morning I was supposed to get up early and go over to joëls house to hang out and work out around 9am but when I woke up around 8:30 my nose was all clogged up and I felt like crap. No thanks to going to bed at 3am and waking up at around 5:30 cus my nose clogged up to hell and I had to use the washroom...

So Instead we were planning on working out this afternoon around 2pm (I do feel alot better now also)... he was supposed to call me once he was done class for the day and let me know to head over there... so at 2:30 I tried giving him a call to see whats up. No answer... so i decided to do some exercising at home while I waited for him to call. I started by doing 20 sit ups, than 50 curls with each arm at 10lbs. than I did a bunch of other stuff i dont know what the things are called :P than i did another 20 sit ups and put another 10lbs on the weights and did 50 more curls. My little work out to loosen up turned into basically what I was planning for the day :P... after that I was just about to go have a shower when Joël finnaly called. It was past 3:30 now and he had forgotten to take his phone off of silent after he finished his class's. Oh well. we decided were going to work out tommorow morning. I love working out with him. its so much mmore fun than working out by my self. he pushes me to go that little bit farther and that little bit harder and even though i might feel like shit for 10 min or so right after. for the rest of the day I feel great! even though ill be sore for a day or so :P Usually we start out at his house doing some kick boxing, we spend about a hour- hour and a half switching between hitting and kicking his punching bag and these hand targets he has. they are kinda like boxing gloves but they are completely flat and well padded on one side with a little target on it. I love those things. the person wearing them will pop them out into different area's and you have to hit them as fast as possible. its a great work out and fun too!

After that we usually go to the gym where we lift weights, ride the exercise bikes, and the eliptical machine... for some reason though I always feel like im gona throw up after I use the eliptical machine... weird...

Anyway im gona go now.


Nemesis said...

yaay, I finally did some pilates today! Except I also ate supper at my Bubbie's, so I probably still gained a pound or two lol

Thomas said...

what exactly is pilates? lol and yeah... my dinner probly wrecked my work out too... lobster, steak, beans and a salad :P