Saturday, August 23, 2008

Fuck you Warner bros.

Fuck you from the deepest bowels of hell! How dare you push back Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince to July 17 2009 when it is completely done and was scheduled for release Nov 21 2008. Your statements of "we had a huge hit with 'The Dark Knight" and want to use Harry Potter for a huge hit next summer." Well fuck you, your stupid. If you release it when originally scheduled you will make more money off the movie in the long run. What kind of way is that to run a business? You don't want to make money? fine. release it now for free and start charging people to see it in 2009. Why make the millions of fans who would gladly pay $10 a ticket wait so long to see it? You just want to loose your money fine. Send me all the money you would have made off of the sales of it till the 2009 release date 8 months from the original release date. MORONS!

Anyway, So I haven't really done a whole lot over the last few days. I have been watching movies and T.V. quite a bit. :P I finished watching the first (and so far only) season of "Reaper." :( Thats a good show! I really like it, its so good. I want to watch more and more and MORE! but I have seen it all... same goes for Smallville, and Top Gear! AHHH I Hate this time when its all repeats on t.v. At least new episodes of shows start comming out next month :D I also went out last night with some friends and got kinda drunk. We went to BP for food and drinks and then back to my buddies house for some more. I got kinda drunk and then 3 hours after I went to bed my buddy called to work out. obviously I said "not right now." and I havent really felt up to working out today, and now I just had a huge dinner so I feel too full to work out... I know I should but i feel... stuffed :P So we decided to work out tommorow in the day. Its supposed to be really nice out so hopefully we can do everything out side (besides the punching bag) and then after go swimming in his pool. I love swimming :P I think I might do some light weights tonight and a few sit ups... but that wont be untill later once I digested some of my dinner lol. I might be going out with some friends soon for sushi (im just gona steal from my friends seeing as im not overly hungry.) But im jsut waiting for them to call and let me know if thats still on.

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