Sunday, September 14, 2008

Nothing Much

I know I haven't posted anything in a while... shame on me... but when you have nothing to post or anything like that its pretty hard to do posts every day or two, so stretching it to a week will actually give me some stuff to talk about... I hope :P

Basically all I did last week was work. I worked every day and hung out with Lexi on monday or tuesday... We watched some movie and that was it... Friday I got my first pay check from work and it was taken completely the second I cashed it in the bank. god damn car insurance and over draft... being unemployed for 3 months sucked... I maxed out my overdraft in my bank, that $500 and i didnt have a source of income so that really sucked bad. Thank god I didnt have a credit card other wise I would have probly maxed that thing out too! But my job pays weekly so thats cool. So ill get paid again on friday and in a week or 2 ill be out of debt to my bank which is awsome! I will need to buy A new pair of shoes though sometime next weekend though for sure... Mine are 2 years old already and starting to fall to pieces... just today I noticed the sole is comming off of the back... Anyway... I dont think Ill be staying at NCR for much longer. I have a Job interview tommorow morning for a call center where one of the departments is Nintendo Tech Support! That would be SOOOO awsome to get into! I swear if I get that job I will like blow my load in my pants right than and there in the interview room! It will probly pay a bit less hourly than my current job, but I wont have to drive 20-30 min to work everymorning and pay $5 a day in parking either! this company has its own parking area and its just like a 5 min drive away!... I will miss the view from the 16th floor office that we have at my current job though... that is sweet... same with the booster juice in the underground mall area our building is connected too... that stuff is addictive... and good for you too... expeshally if you compare it with coke or pop or coffee or heroine... its all reall fruit juice's and furit's and yogurt blended together and made into a smoothie... sounds UBER gay I know... but it tastes sooooo damn good! Anyway back to friday after I cashed my cheque and everything my dad came home and had a truck full of gravel he wanted to lay down on the side yard. It was about 13 wheel barrel's worth of gravel and each of the 13 weighed around 175lbs.... quick math... 13 * 175 = 2275, that is over 1 Tone! and my job was to shovel it out of the damn truck, into the wheel barrel and then take that and dump it onto the lawn... where my dad just had to wait for me to do that so he could rake it to even it out... he only did 2 trips of the wheel barrel and shoveling while I went to get more underlay to put under the damn gravel! It didnt take to long to do it all but after my back was sore as hell for a few hours and I must have pulled something cus my shoulder hurts like a bitch if I move it around. After that I didnt do anything else all weekend really besides watch a bunch of movies, I went out with Craig, Cole, D, and Duce to fusion for a few hours yesterday evening waiting for my other plans to start but they didnt happen. so yeah... I did fuck all this weekend really,... its been increadibly boring... I have been watching so many movies its stupid cus I cant find anything else to do besides go to fusion with those guys but thats pretty expensive and it also gets boring as fuck after a few hours. too bad they barely do anything else... lets see... so far this weekend I have watched.... Wanted, Con Air, Ghost Rider, Street Kings, Equilibrium (awsome movie btw), The Happening, Legend (1986... Lexi you will like it... its like "Labrynth"), The Amityville Horror (2005) Being John Malkovich (Which is really interesting in a completely fucked up kinda way), Alien, Aliens, Alien3, Dreamcatcher, and seasons 10 and half of 11 of Top Gear.... thats how bored I was this weekend!!!!!!!!!!

Hopefully next week will be better........................................................................................................


Friday, September 5, 2008


Yeah I know it's been a while since I have done a post, 8 days if my math is right, but I have had a fairly hectic week. Lets start a day or so after the last post....

Friday: I had a orientation for about a hour for work before I started on tuesday. They didnt really tell us anything about the job, mainly it was dropping off info for direct deposit and doing a back ground check. On the way home I walked by a HMV and saw that Slipknot had put out a new album so I went and grabbed it. Its a decent album. I never heard anything off of it before so I wasnt to sure what to expect, not to mention im not a big Slipknot fan, I prefer Corey Taylor's work with Stone Sour and his solo stuff alot more but there are some songs by them that I really like. Anyway after that I went home for a bit and then went and did something but I can't remember what for the life of me! I actually can't remembre the rest of that night... what the fuck did I do last friday????

Saturday: 2 of my friends had a birthday party that day so they had a get together at Assinaboine Park where we just hung out and talked and caught up with everyone. I hadn't seen half of those people since their birthday party in 2006! After a while some stupid woman pulled up with a completely blown out tire on her car so I went to help her change it, ( I was the only one from my group who did out of like 14 people. lazy assholes :P) As I helped her change it I found out that she was driving on it like that for like 2KM, which is why she is stupid :P. After that my parents called me and told me that one of my dogs ran away when they were camping and they couldn't find him (its almost a week later and we haven't heard a word about him....) After I got home from the park I crashed on my couch and passed out for a few hours. After I woke up Lexi called me and asked If I wanted to meet her and Jenwa at TYC. (I used to think I would hate Canad Inns bars, but I am starting to like it more everytime I go there.) We had a few drinks and danced alot. I kept running into SOOO many people from highschool there that I haven't seen in a while. After that we went to McDonalds and then to Lexi and Jenwa's new house. Its a pretty nice place, they have their own private rooms each but they share the rest of the house with some other people who are renting rooms too. Anyway while we were there we were playing around with some candles and for some reason I let Lexi pour wax all over my chest... that sucked getting it off once I got home that night after I dropped her off at her parents house seeing as she hadn't moved in yet.

Sunday: so sunday... what did I do... not a whole lot of anything I know that... I think I washed my car... I know I cut the lawn though... anything else I did that day I dont really remember... Me and Lexi were gonna hang out that night but her parents got all weird about her going out at like 11pm so we didnt end up doing anything... god... I really hope that isnt all I did on sunday, If it is thats pretty pathetic!

Monday: Monday was crappy out (like it has been most of the week) I woke up pretty late in the afternoon even thought I THINK I was in bed at a decent time. But usually my room gets too bright to allow me to sleep in but seeing as it was raining and really cloudy all day the room was really dim so I managed to sleep in untill like 2 or 3. Once I woke up I ate and watched a movie while working out (I haven't really done that since monday :S but im planning on doing some exercise tommorow before my cousins party) around 4:30 I hopped in the shower to get ready for Oasis! YES! that concert was amazing and the opening act Ryan Adam's was pretty good too. They were great though. I love Oasis. They are one of my top 3 favorite bands, Along with Nine Inch Nails and Audioslave, and now I have seen them all! and come to think of it I saw them each on their first time ever playing Winnipeg! I bought this cool Oasis tshirt that I really like.

Tuesday: I started my new job, I work down town for a company called NCR ( They were originally called National Cash Register but they thought that sounded too... old so they modernized it a few years ago by changing the name to NCR.) they are a company that manufactures and repairs ATM machines, Cash registers and other things like that. I work in the Dispatch department sending techs out to fix broken equipment. I am in training for 3 weeks (including this one that just passed) It seems like a good job, I find alot of the stuff related to it pretty easy and it seems pretty slack around there. That night Lexi came over and we got stoned and then watched some horror/slasher movie but I was so baked I don't remember anything about it really LOL I do remember that we also rented Horton Hears A Who but we grabbed the wrong one... not the new one that came out with in the last year but a cartoon one that was made in 1970! lol we watched like 10 min of it and were like this sucks, lets watch simpsons and southpark. After that Lexi went home and I went to bed.

Wednesday: I worked all day, It gets pretty boring for me there in training at times. I used alot of the programmes and systems at my old job at "Satan's Asshole" so I finish everything way before the rest of the people in the training class. They will be take a hour to read the material we get assigned and do the tests that are assosiated with them and we get 2 each day, Me on the other hand. I know 90% of this stuff already so I finish in half a hour and spend the rest playing solitare, screwing around on the training systems, or staring out the window of the 16th floor which we take up 3/4 of, (where I realized that the training room looks out over St.Boniface and I can see Kat's work, school and even the taller buildings by her house lol). Once I got home that night... I dont think I did anything... god damn it why can't I remember what the hell I have been doing half the time...

Thurday: work was the same as the day before and the day before that... I went out for dinner with my sister and dad and then after that I went to Lexi's house for a bit to see her room now that she had moved in (I only saw Jenwa's before). Lol she had suitcases and boxes all over the floor and a huge pile of clothes on her bed. There was basically no bare space available on the floor lol. We sat around and chatted for a bit while she did her nails before I went home to go to sleep.

Today: I worked till 6pm today like the other days and then went out with Kat. We saw "Don't Mess with the Zohan" at the cheep seats and were gona go for ice cream after but we decided we would do that some time next week seeing as she was really tired and had to get up early the next day. So now I came home and am bored... Its a friday night for christ sake and I came home and called it a night around 9pm... god what am I, 90? Well atleast tommorow I'll be partying it up a bit, My cousins are having a bbq tommorw night so that will be fun. I hope its nice enough out though... Its been pretty miserable for the last few days but it cleared up alot around 4pm today and became really nice. Anyway im gona go watch this movie on tv "American Wearwolf In Paris" I like that movie... I was pretty happy when it came on. I don't know why I like it... its pretty shitty but I do... maybe its my love of wearwolf and zombie movies lol.

P.s. I saw one of my dream cars the otherday... A Austin Martin V8 Vantage... I love all Austin Martin's! My dream one would be a DBS (the one from the bond film "Casino Royal") god... I must say I almost crashed a few times because I was staring at it and trying to get a good pic on my cell phone of it :P

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Killing Time

So I have been slightly bussier the last few days, but still haven't done anything extreamly fun or exciting. I found out that it was'nt a virus on my computer that was causing the trouble but that I dropped my keyboard a few days before and it seemed to develop a short in it. I tried swapping my keyboard and it fixed the problem right away. But now I am using the keyboard my computer came with which I dont really like. Its not a bad keyboard or anything by no means, but it isnt cool like my other one with the letters on the keys being clear and a back light built in allowing it to be lit up and cool looking. For the past 2 days my torso has been sore as fuck. I hadn't really done alot of core related exercise before and at Joel's the other day I did quite a bit. He set up a work out bench that was inclined so it puts you ass higher than your head so when you do a sit up it really works you good, and then after we did this exercise when I laid on the ground as he stood above me with my head between his feet. I would bring my legs up and he would throw them down and I got to stop my legs from hitting the ground using my stomach muscels. Its a good work out but for 2 days later I was so sore. It hurt to sit up and change positions and stuff.

So I got hired the other day. The position is for doing dispatch work. I will be dispatching technicians to fix broken ATM's in the centeral U.S. (Colorado, Texas, Kansas. Area's like that). The one huge problem I have with this job is that its down town and there is basically fuck all in terms of parking. So I still am looking for work. Less activly seeing as I do now have a job, but still. I start on Tuesday.... the day after the Oasis concert. Im gona be kinda hung over I bet. I love oasis. They are tied for my top 3 favorite all time bands. The other 2 are Nine Inch Nails and Audioslave. After I see Oasis, I will have seen all 3 of them. And I use the term seen loosely. At Nine Inch Nails I was 2nd row on the floor right between Trent and Jeordie, and I got hit in the head with a microphone and got really dehydrated. Than Audioslave... my parents bought me 3 tickets for my 18th birthday, and my Joel and Sean got me completely tanked, they told me a few days later I drank over $70 each of their money. I didnt even get sick! but I cant remember alot of that concert. I think they decided to screw with my head a few days later cus they said I was grinding with these 2 30 year old ladies :S LMAO... I do remember before I started blacking out that Joel told me not to embarass him... but I was already really drunk so I grabbed his crotch and licked his face :P lol Im comfortable enough with my sexuality that doing slightly homosexual stuff like that doesnt bug me. lol once me and my friend Pat wanted to see what would happen if people thought we were gay. So we walked around the mall holding hands and stuff :P the looks were hilarious that we were getting. We also did that with me wearing my sunglass' inside and him holding my hand guiding me like I was blind :P lol I would knock over displays and bump into people and stuff and everyone would like freak out and then become all appologetic when I said I was blind and stuff LMAO.

Anyway Oasis is going to be interesting... One of the people I am going with... we used to be best friends untill a few months ago... roughly 2 weeks after we bought the tickets. Anyway I haven't talked to her at all since her birthday... She did something I think is stupid and I expressed my disappointment with her for doing this, and she snapped at me! Just fucking blew up... like she had been doing every few months for about a year and a half previously. She said I tried to motorboat her when I gave her a hug while she was sitting and then accused me of doing other stuff and gropeing her for a few years... what the fuck! one example she said was when we went to a party and she spent the night at my house instead of driving home cus I lived like 3 blocks away from the party... she said that I was gropeing her that night in bed... I WAS ASLEEP AND ENDED UP PUTTING MY ARM AROUND HER! AHH. God shes worse than me though... when ever we were drinking and stuff and she had alot she would grab me and drag me away from my friends im chatting with and MAKE me sit down and hold her.... but anyway its gona be interesting seeing her since the last time we talked she accused me of sexual harrasment... whos touched who here... I havent touched her tits or pussy or ass... well i have touched her ass but that was in a non sexual way... I was giving her a boost over a fence or something like that... and she has grabbed my junk before! lol shes crazy... what ever.

yesterday I went out for dinner with my dad, his girlfriend, papa, my great aunt, and my cousin. During dinner I eneded up getting guilt tripped into driving my cousin to the airport at 4am... so At around midnight yesterday I ended going for a walk. Its so nice and peaceful going for a walk at 2am... just allowed me to clear my mind and relax and breath the cool night air... untill I stumbled upon a car with a couple of teens fucking like rabbits in the back seat haha, I just walked by and tried to not notice but its hard to not notice a naked girl bouncing up and down on her knees in the same spot in the back of a station wagon lol... so I just continued with my walk and went through the park where there were another pair of teens wrapped in a blanket making out... and then I went through another parking lot where there was a group of kids in one car smoking pot and another couple having sex in a different car... jesus christ the kids in my neighborhood fuck like rabbits! So even though it was nice and relaxing I did get kinda bored near the end of 2 and a half hour walk and was walking through the park near one of the schools and saw this soccer goal. lol I walked over to it and I dont know why but I flipped it over... I wonder if its still facing the wrong way? Ill check tommorow or something.

Today I went to my papa's house. He asked me to set up this electronic picture fame he just received as a gift. It took me less than 10 min to set it up and show him the basics of how to use it. After that I helped him change his home page to google on his laptop. While doing this we discovered that his internet connection wasn't working. So being Ex-Tech support for internet I took a look at it and did everything we can do on my end before we needed a tech out, and it still didnt work. so I called shaw and they said that their system was all ass raped at the moment and they would call back when it was fixed. So I showed my grandpa everything he would need to know really about the modem when they called back, and he ened up paying me $100 for all the help today! yay! Later I went over to Kat's to hang out. We ened up chatting and watching half a movie before she had to go to bed to get up for work early tommorow, Our history is pretty fucked up... were "just friends" yet we have fooled around and more in the past, but we are trying to just be friends now, no more sexual activity, even though according to Lexi, Kat was prancing around showing herself off to me tonight, after I told her how my evening went. I dont think that was her intent... Kat was really straight forward in the past usually... and so what she was in a tight sexy tank top and just a pair of boxers, she was going to bed right after I left and its not like I havent seen her naked....

Monday, August 25, 2008

Tired, bored, and kinda pissed right the fuck off!

Soooo.... for the last few days I havent really been up to much. Yesterday I watched "Death to Smoochy" and worked out a bit... thats about it.

Today though I finnaly met up with joel to work out. We did some kick boxing training and lifted weights before we decided to play a game of frisbee than go for a swim. It was a blast! but I got a slight sun burn on my shoulders. Im supprised it actually isn't worse than it is. I usually burn pretty bad and the amount of time we were outside and shirtless (almost 3 hours outside and 1 hour inside) I didnt burn badly at all. After that was done I went home and started jobsearching online incase the job with MPI doesn't go through. I called them today and they said they didn't know who all got hired yet and that they are still looking through applicants. I really hope they hire me. Anyway... as I was emailing off resume's and looking for jobs... my computer started acting funny. All the sudden the sound got put on mute. AIM opened up, and it started typing random combinations of ASDFGHJKL accross the screen. Finnally it started to repeatedly open up the Search window untill it just crashed my computer. I restarted my comp and ran a antivirus scan but its way way out of date... and didnt find anything. while it was running my mom called and said my uncle was having a bbq. After I hung up I felt wiped and the antivirus would take a while to scan everything so I decided to take a nap before I went to my uncles, so i set the alarm on my cell phone and fell asleep on my couch. I awoke a hour and 15 minutes AFTER my cell phone should have gone off and woke me up! so I rushed out the door and headed over to my uncles house. Before I took off I saw on my computer that the antivirus did not find anything wrong but there were over 400 open search windows. Fucking virus. I hope everyone who ever wrote a virus dies a horrible horrible death. So needless to say... I am not on my computer right now... Im on my dads while I try to run this new antivirus I just downloaded to find and kill this fucking virus. If it doesnt work im gona have to do a system restore but I have no idea when it will restore too :( and I REALLY dont want to have to go and wipe my harddrive again. I did that a few months ago and it sucks. It really really sucks. I think the virus came in with "death to smoochy" I love that movie but now I hate it too! its fucked me over good and hard and rough. I just thought to try deleting "death to smoochy" from my comp. hopefully that works. when I tried to delete it I think it knew I was trying to kill it... the virus started opening multiple AIM windows and MSN windows and a few search window. fucking cunt. So the antivirus I just downloaded has been running for just under 45 minutes, scanned 4,400 files and not found any virus yet. I hope to god it finds it or that deleting "Death to smoochy" got rid of that mother fucker. And i just got my answer... NO deleting death to smoochy did fuck all... AIM and 14 search windows just opened up all at once! next test is deleting "25th hour" This started happening right after I downloaded death to smoochy and part way through 25th hour.... so I havent even gotten to see it yet. Hopefully one of these things works. But im gona go for now. Movies,

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Fuck you Warner bros.

Fuck you from the deepest bowels of hell! How dare you push back Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince to July 17 2009 when it is completely done and was scheduled for release Nov 21 2008. Your statements of "we had a huge hit with 'The Dark Knight" and want to use Harry Potter for a huge hit next summer." Well fuck you, your stupid. If you release it when originally scheduled you will make more money off the movie in the long run. What kind of way is that to run a business? You don't want to make money? fine. release it now for free and start charging people to see it in 2009. Why make the millions of fans who would gladly pay $10 a ticket wait so long to see it? You just want to loose your money fine. Send me all the money you would have made off of the sales of it till the 2009 release date 8 months from the original release date. MORONS!

Anyway, So I haven't really done a whole lot over the last few days. I have been watching movies and T.V. quite a bit. :P I finished watching the first (and so far only) season of "Reaper." :( Thats a good show! I really like it, its so good. I want to watch more and more and MORE! but I have seen it all... same goes for Smallville, and Top Gear! AHHH I Hate this time when its all repeats on t.v. At least new episodes of shows start comming out next month :D I also went out last night with some friends and got kinda drunk. We went to BP for food and drinks and then back to my buddies house for some more. I got kinda drunk and then 3 hours after I went to bed my buddy called to work out. obviously I said "not right now." and I havent really felt up to working out today, and now I just had a huge dinner so I feel too full to work out... I know I should but i feel... stuffed :P So we decided to work out tommorow in the day. Its supposed to be really nice out so hopefully we can do everything out side (besides the punching bag) and then after go swimming in his pool. I love swimming :P I think I might do some light weights tonight and a few sit ups... but that wont be untill later once I digested some of my dinner lol. I might be going out with some friends soon for sushi (im just gona steal from my friends seeing as im not overly hungry.) But im jsut waiting for them to call and let me know if thats still on.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Ahh fuck off all ready!

This god damn cold wont go away completely and its driving me fucking nuts!

My nose is feeling all raw cus I keep blowing it and it just isnt helping :(
I hope it will piss off soon cus im fucking sick of being sick. Or it could be allergies... but usually that only happens for the first bit when I wake up and this keeps happening all through out the day. Hell I even have my window open right now and its raining outside and its just barely helping. Usually if its raining and I open the window cus im sneezing from alergies it goes away right away. This fucking sucks :P

So yesterday I went to go work out with my buddy. He texted me to go meet him at his house and when I got there he wasnt even home! I was kinda mad because he lives a good 20 minute drive away and outside the city. So I headed home and when I was almost home he calls me and is like "where are you?" so I was like "driving home from your place... where the hell were you?" it ends up he was still at school when he texted me to head over and his class ran longer than he thought it would. Seeing as I already had drove out there and than driven home I said to hell with going back out to his place to work out and decided just to do some at my house alone.

When I got home I realised that I did not pay my car insurance yet and it was due a few days earlier. So I hurried down to the autopac office and paid it :P When I got home I worked out for a bit, had a shower and then it was time for dinner. My dad ordered a pizza and it was soooo good! I love Pizza Place! and for desert he bought this really good cheese cake with whipcream, caramel and pecans on it. After having that meal i decided to work out a bit more and did a few more sit ups just for good measure :P Later I just sat around watching t.v. and chatting online. Lexi came on and we talked for a bit. At like 2am she told me she was gona go dye her hair and than be back after. So I started watching a movie and by 5am she still wasnt on and I was tired so I headed to bed.

I woke up this morning, had a shower than a decent breakfast and headed down town for a job interview with MPI to be a claims representative in their call center. there were about 10 other people there for the same position. They brought us all to this room with a bunch of computers and had us do a test to see how fast you could type. They wanted you to be able to type atleast 35 words per min and each mistake you made took away 1 sec from your typing speed. I got 58 words per min and 1 mistake. I know I can type alot faster and better than that usually but it was a high pressure situation because if you don't pass they tell you to leave and your interview is ass raped :P There was this one girl there who got over 90 words per minute. what a nerd, but thats asains for you, and she was actually kinda cute :D... I was pretty supprised when 3 people were told to leave after the speed test. WHO THE HELL WILL GO APPLY FOR A CALL CENTER WHEN YOU CANT FUCKING TYPE WORTH A DAMN?! anyway after they escorted the failures off the grounds they gave us a written test about car insurance that we had to get atleast 60% on other wise you get booted just like with the speed test. This test though, is open book so if you cant pass that you should get pushed out the window (the room we in is on the 8th floor fyi). I completed it with a snap and got a 92% yay!... but 2 more people failed. Next was just a regular interview "why do you think you will be good for the job?", "what previous experience do you have?" the usual interview crap. They interviewed us one at a time though, and the femminest bitch of a instructor made me go last and kept saying "ladies first". Ok so ladies first but when there are 4 girls and one guy why the hell not put the guy somewhere in the middle?! argh!. this whole process all started at 1pm ok... by the time they did 2 of the interviews it was already 3:15! so they made me go last cus I got a cock and was the only one who said they dont have anywhere else to go to that day, everyone else said they had "work" and "kids to get from daycare". Anyway at 4pm I FINNALLY got my interview. I think it went really well. I really hope I get hired... the pay is great... $17.07 a hour!

As I got to my car it started pouring outside, and not just a light rain, I mean pouring. I had my wipers going as fast as they could and there was a constant layer of rain on the windsheild still and you couldn't see more that 10 feet infront of your car really. I turned of the raidio for a moment and it sounded like my car was being hit with golf balls! fuck it was nuts. It was such a bad drive because of the weather and then it also happened to be rush hour! YAY! what is usually a 15 minute drive turned into 45 mintues :( When I finnally got home I worked out a little bit and Lexi came online, it ended up she passed out on he couch and didnt even do her hair last night :P lol silly girl. After dinner I went to go to the washroom and my phone started ringing... right during zip up... OUCH! didnt cut myself (thank god) but I did get a good pinch and even like 4 hours later it still hurts. And the cause of all this pain is LEXI! she sent me a pic of her with her hair dyed, and it does look really nice. Since than though I have just been sitting on my couch doing nothing really so I decided to come on here and write this. But now all 4 of the hannibal lecter movies (hannibal rising, red dragon, silence of the lambs, and hannibal) have finnished downloading so I think im gona watch the first one now. Oh that reminds me! I saw this show on T.V. The other day and just had to download the first season :D Its called "reaper" and is about this guy whos parents sold his soul to the devil when his mom was still pregnant with him and he has to go around sending escaped demons back to hell as part of the deal his parents made with satan. Lmao its pretty funny. He has these 2 gay neighbors who end up being demons :P I guess that would make them "flaming" lmao. Anyway im gona go now.


Tuesday, August 19, 2008


I havent really done anything over the last few days. Reason being... I caught a summer cold the other day and im still trying to get over it... its basically gone though. This morning I was supposed to get up early and go over to joëls house to hang out and work out around 9am but when I woke up around 8:30 my nose was all clogged up and I felt like crap. No thanks to going to bed at 3am and waking up at around 5:30 cus my nose clogged up to hell and I had to use the washroom...

So Instead we were planning on working out this afternoon around 2pm (I do feel alot better now also)... he was supposed to call me once he was done class for the day and let me know to head over there... so at 2:30 I tried giving him a call to see whats up. No answer... so i decided to do some exercising at home while I waited for him to call. I started by doing 20 sit ups, than 50 curls with each arm at 10lbs. than I did a bunch of other stuff i dont know what the things are called :P than i did another 20 sit ups and put another 10lbs on the weights and did 50 more curls. My little work out to loosen up turned into basically what I was planning for the day :P... after that I was just about to go have a shower when Joël finnaly called. It was past 3:30 now and he had forgotten to take his phone off of silent after he finished his class's. Oh well. we decided were going to work out tommorow morning. I love working out with him. its so much mmore fun than working out by my self. he pushes me to go that little bit farther and that little bit harder and even though i might feel like shit for 10 min or so right after. for the rest of the day I feel great! even though ill be sore for a day or so :P Usually we start out at his house doing some kick boxing, we spend about a hour- hour and a half switching between hitting and kicking his punching bag and these hand targets he has. they are kinda like boxing gloves but they are completely flat and well padded on one side with a little target on it. I love those things. the person wearing them will pop them out into different area's and you have to hit them as fast as possible. its a great work out and fun too!

After that we usually go to the gym where we lift weights, ride the exercise bikes, and the eliptical machine... for some reason though I always feel like im gona throw up after I use the eliptical machine... weird...

Anyway im gona go now.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Fun can make you sick!

I feel like shit right now... Im all stuffed up and hot feeling... it sucks...

Anyway, lets start with the main reason why i got sick and feel like crap... yesterday i woke up pretty early, and drove down town to go donate blood. (loss of blood = likely hood of getting cold increasing). There I ran into my friend Elise from highschool. I hadn't seen her in a long time... at least a few months. I felt kinda bad for her though, her blood pressure was out of wack so they had to have her sit around for half a hour or so before it stabalised to they could take her blood. and when they went to put the needle in they pushed it out the back of the vein so they couldnt take it anyway... that sucks. They did sucsessfully manage to drain me of my blood though. After that I felt completely drained so I got home around 1pm and had a bite to eat and drank alot of fluids to help me get some energy back.

Next thing I knew I was woke up to my phone ringing at 5pm and my buddy Craig was letting me know that the internet cafe we hang out is having a "customer appreciation day" with free time and a BBQ. So I went down there and played around on the comps for a bit there. Around 8pm we called Cole, D, and Duce. They were at Duce's place swimming and invited us down. It was boiling hot out so we headed down there and went swimming till almost 10pm when it cooled off alot (REASON WHY IM SICK!.... i think....) we than decided to go see "pinapple express" I thought that movie was gona suck ass... but it wasnt bad at all really... i didnt think it was as good as my friends did but they are kinda weird. After that though I went home to sleep cus I was dead tired.

Today I woke up feeling all stuffed up and like crap! I stayed home all day resting and blowing my nose raw (it hurts alot!) untill around 6:30. One of the guys I went to the movie with last night, Simon, had a bunch of free pass' for Rumors comedy club and invited us to go. So tonight thats what we did. The comedian was really funny and I laughed my ass off. It was pretty funny cus he kept making fun of one of my friends for being a drunken smart ass. Cole thought he was being and I qoute "Smart & Witty". Those are 2 things he will never be. "Alcoholic and Loud mouth" are more like it. So I thought it was great that this comedian kept taking small jabs at him through out his show. We ate there too. I had a chicken ceasar wrap wich was pretty good. my only problem is that for that and a double rye and coke (which was the drink special) it was $20 bucks! so the food there is really expensive, at least it was pretty decent. Oh I also ran into one of my friends who I used to work with there, Kristin, she was there with a bunch of her friends for a birthday party I belive. I hadn't seen her in almost a year. she had left the hell hole we worked at in the spring of 07 to go live in New Zealand for half a year! (lucky!)

Anyway after that we went back to coles house cus the rest of the guys wanted to have some more drinks. I feeling like crap just stayed for half a hour and then came home. anyway im gona go watch a movie and then go to sleep. bye.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Just for you.

You wanted a real post so here you go.

Oops. I had it on webdings. Translation. You wanted a real post so here you go. I have basically absolutely nothing to say so im just gona go on a rant and type what ever pops into my head.

Last night my sister and papa came over for dinner. we had this huge roast and there is like half left still! afterwords me and Jen went to go see Tropic Thunder. It was really good. Finnally Tom Cruise has a role suited for him. lots of over acting. I personally think hes a decent actor but everyone hates him because hes a fucking loon. It doesnt matter what actors do in their personal lifes I feel. They could go fuck a goat for all I care. aslong as they can act good.

A few days ago, I had a really weird dream. I was at a wedding and I heard a huge loud sharp squealing/buzz type sound and it felt like my head would expload. Than I went out side for some fresh air and i couldnt hear it, and outside there were like 5 other people who could hear it too, and they could all breath underwater. So seeing as I could hear that buzzing they thought I could breath underwater also. So they took me to a near by fountain and held me under the water even though I was drowning. It was fucked up.

Its so boring right now. sitting around watching crap tv. too bad its early in the afternoon right now. the olympics are on but they dont start till around 7pm where I live. too bad canada is sucking ass in it, but its summer olympics. that to be expected kinda. winter is where we really do good.... I need a job :P

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Look mommy... Its a MOO COW!