Yeah I know it's been a while since I have done a post, 8 days if my math is right, but I have had a fairly hectic week. Lets start a day or so after the last post....
Friday: I had a orientation for about a hour for work before I started on tuesday. They didnt really
tell us anything about the job, mainly it was dropping off info for direct deposit and doing a back ground check. On the way home I walked by a HMV and saw that Slipknot had put out a new album so I went and grabbed it. Its a decent album. I never heard anything off of it before so I wasnt to sure what to expect, not to mention im not a big Slipknot fan, I prefer Corey Taylor's work with Stone Sour and his solo stuff alot more but there are some songs by them that I really like. Anyway after that I went home for a bit and then went and did something but I can't remember what for the life of me! I actually can't remembre the rest of that night... what the fuck did I do last friday????
Friday: I had a orientation for about a hour for work before I started on tuesday. They didnt really

Saturday: 2 of my friends had a birthday party that day so they had a get together at Assinaboine Park where we just hung out and talked and caught up with everyone. I hadn't seen half of those people since their birthday party in 2006! After a while some stupid woman pulled up with a completely blown out tire on her car so I went to help her change it, ( I was the only one from my group who did out of like 14 people. lazy assholes :P) As I helped her change it I found out that she was driving on it like that for like 2KM, which is why she is stupid :P. After that my parents called me and told me that one of my dogs ran away when they were camping and they couldn't find him (its almost a week later and we haven't heard a word about him....) After I got home from the park I crashed on my couch and passed out for a few hours. After I woke up Lexi called me and asked If I wanted to meet her and Jenwa at TYC. (I used to think I would hate Canad Inns bars, but I am starting to like it more everytime I go there.) We had a few drinks and danced alot. I kept running into SOOO many people from highschool there that I haven't seen in a while. After that we went to McDonalds and then to Lexi and Jenwa's new house. Its a pretty nice place, they have their own private rooms each but they share the rest of the house with some other people who are renting rooms too. Anyway while we were there we were playing around with some candles and for some reason I let Lexi pour wax all over my chest... that sucked getting it off once I got home that night after I dropped her off at her parents house seeing as she hadn't moved in yet.
Sunday: so sunday... what did I do... not a whole lot of anything I know that... I think I washed my car... I know I cut the lawn though... anything else I did that day I dont really remember... Me and Lexi were gonna hang out that night but her parents got all weird about her going out at like 11pm so we didnt end up doing anything... god... I really hope that isnt all I did on sunday, If it is thats pretty pathetic!

Monday: Monday was crappy out (like it has been most of the week) I woke up pretty late in the afternoon even thought I THINK I was in bed at a decent time. But usually my room gets too bright to allow me to sleep in but seeing as it was raining and really cloudy all day the room was really dim so I managed to sleep in untill like 2 or 3. Once I woke up I ate and watched a movie while working out (I haven't really done that since monday :S but im planning on doing some exercise tommorow before my cousins party) around 4:30 I hopped in the shower to get ready for Oasis! YES! that concert was amazing and the opening act Ryan Adam's was pretty good too. They were great though. I love Oasis. They are one of my top 3 favorite bands, Along with Nine Inch Nails and Audioslave, and now I have seen them all! and come to think of it I saw them each on their first time ever playing Winnipeg! I bought this cool Oasis tshirt that I really like.
Tuesday: I started my new job, I work down town for a company called NCR ( They were originally called National Cash Register but they thought that sounded too... old so they modernized it a few years ago by changing the name to NCR.) they are a company that manufactures and repairs ATM machines, Cash registers and other things like that. I work in the Dispatch department sending techs out to fix broken equipment. I am in training for 3 weeks (including this one that just passed) It seems like a good job, I find alot of the stuff related to it pretty easy and it seems pretty slack around there. That night Lexi came over and we got stoned and then watched some horror/slasher movie but I was so baked I don't remember anything about it really LOL I do remember that we also rented Horton Hears A Who but we grabbed the wrong one... not the new one that came out with in the last year but a cartoon one that was made in 1970! lol we watched like 10 min of it and were like this sucks, lets watch simpsons and southpark. After that Lexi went home and I went to bed.
Wednesday: I worked all day, It gets pretty boring for me there in training at times. I used alot of the programmes and systems at my old job at "Satan's Asshole" so I finish everything way before the rest of the people in the training class. They will be take a hour to read the material we get assigned and do the tests that are assosiated with them and we get 2 each day, Me on the other hand. I know 90% of this stuff already so I finish in half a hour and spend the rest playing solitare, screwing around on the training systems, or staring out the window of the 16th floor which we take up 3/4 of, (where I realized that the training room looks out over St.Boniface and I can see Kat's work, school and even the taller buildings by her house lol). Once I got home that night... I dont think I did anything... god damn it why can't I remember what the hell I have been doing half the time...
Thurday: work was the same as the day before and the day before that... I went out for dinner with my sister and dad and then after that I went to Lexi's house for a bit to see her room now that she had moved in (I only saw Jenwa's before). Lol she had suitcases and boxes all over the floor and a huge pile of clothes on her bed. There was basically no bare space available on the floor lol. We sat around and chatted for a bit while she did her nails before I went home to go to sleep.
Today: I worked till 6pm today like the other days and then went out with Kat. We saw "Don't Mess with the Zohan" at the cheep seats and were gona go for ice cream after but we decided we would do that some time next week seeing as she was really tired and had to get up early the next day. So now I came home and am bored... Its a friday night for christ sake and I came home and called it a night around 9pm... god what am I, 90? Well atleast tommorow I'll be partying it up a bit, My cousins are having a bbq tommorw night so that will be fun. I hope its nice enough out though... Its been pretty miserable for the last few days but it cleared up alot around 4pm today and became really nice. Anyway im gona go watch this movie on tv "American Wearwolf In Paris" I like that movie... I was pretty happy when it came on. I don't know why I like it... its pretty shitty but I do... maybe its my love of wearwolf and zombie movies lol.
P.s. I saw one of my dream cars the otherday... A Austin Martin V8 Vantage... I love all Austin Martin's! My dream one would be a DBS
(the one from the bond film "Casino Royal") god... I must say I almost crashed a few times because I was staring at it and trying to get a good pic on my cell phone of it :P

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