Thursday, August 14, 2008

Just for you.

You wanted a real post so here you go.

Oops. I had it on webdings. Translation. You wanted a real post so here you go. I have basically absolutely nothing to say so im just gona go on a rant and type what ever pops into my head.

Last night my sister and papa came over for dinner. we had this huge roast and there is like half left still! afterwords me and Jen went to go see Tropic Thunder. It was really good. Finnally Tom Cruise has a role suited for him. lots of over acting. I personally think hes a decent actor but everyone hates him because hes a fucking loon. It doesnt matter what actors do in their personal lifes I feel. They could go fuck a goat for all I care. aslong as they can act good.

A few days ago, I had a really weird dream. I was at a wedding and I heard a huge loud sharp squealing/buzz type sound and it felt like my head would expload. Than I went out side for some fresh air and i couldnt hear it, and outside there were like 5 other people who could hear it too, and they could all breath underwater. So seeing as I could hear that buzzing they thought I could breath underwater also. So they took me to a near by fountain and held me under the water even though I was drowning. It was fucked up.

Its so boring right now. sitting around watching crap tv. too bad its early in the afternoon right now. the olympics are on but they dont start till around 7pm where I live. too bad canada is sucking ass in it, but its summer olympics. that to be expected kinda. winter is where we really do good.... I need a job :P

1 comment:

Nemesis said...

I totally agree about the acting thing.. who cares what they go around doing in real life? It's like music too; I could care less if Britney Spears is a psychotic drugwhore, her songs are catchy!
And yes, at this rate, I'm going to be back in winnipeg with a job before you :P