Sunday, September 14, 2008

Nothing Much

I know I haven't posted anything in a while... shame on me... but when you have nothing to post or anything like that its pretty hard to do posts every day or two, so stretching it to a week will actually give me some stuff to talk about... I hope :P

Basically all I did last week was work. I worked every day and hung out with Lexi on monday or tuesday... We watched some movie and that was it... Friday I got my first pay check from work and it was taken completely the second I cashed it in the bank. god damn car insurance and over draft... being unemployed for 3 months sucked... I maxed out my overdraft in my bank, that $500 and i didnt have a source of income so that really sucked bad. Thank god I didnt have a credit card other wise I would have probly maxed that thing out too! But my job pays weekly so thats cool. So ill get paid again on friday and in a week or 2 ill be out of debt to my bank which is awsome! I will need to buy A new pair of shoes though sometime next weekend though for sure... Mine are 2 years old already and starting to fall to pieces... just today I noticed the sole is comming off of the back... Anyway... I dont think Ill be staying at NCR for much longer. I have a Job interview tommorow morning for a call center where one of the departments is Nintendo Tech Support! That would be SOOOO awsome to get into! I swear if I get that job I will like blow my load in my pants right than and there in the interview room! It will probly pay a bit less hourly than my current job, but I wont have to drive 20-30 min to work everymorning and pay $5 a day in parking either! this company has its own parking area and its just like a 5 min drive away!... I will miss the view from the 16th floor office that we have at my current job though... that is sweet... same with the booster juice in the underground mall area our building is connected too... that stuff is addictive... and good for you too... expeshally if you compare it with coke or pop or coffee or heroine... its all reall fruit juice's and furit's and yogurt blended together and made into a smoothie... sounds UBER gay I know... but it tastes sooooo damn good! Anyway back to friday after I cashed my cheque and everything my dad came home and had a truck full of gravel he wanted to lay down on the side yard. It was about 13 wheel barrel's worth of gravel and each of the 13 weighed around 175lbs.... quick math... 13 * 175 = 2275, that is over 1 Tone! and my job was to shovel it out of the damn truck, into the wheel barrel and then take that and dump it onto the lawn... where my dad just had to wait for me to do that so he could rake it to even it out... he only did 2 trips of the wheel barrel and shoveling while I went to get more underlay to put under the damn gravel! It didnt take to long to do it all but after my back was sore as hell for a few hours and I must have pulled something cus my shoulder hurts like a bitch if I move it around. After that I didnt do anything else all weekend really besides watch a bunch of movies, I went out with Craig, Cole, D, and Duce to fusion for a few hours yesterday evening waiting for my other plans to start but they didnt happen. so yeah... I did fuck all this weekend really,... its been increadibly boring... I have been watching so many movies its stupid cus I cant find anything else to do besides go to fusion with those guys but thats pretty expensive and it also gets boring as fuck after a few hours. too bad they barely do anything else... lets see... so far this weekend I have watched.... Wanted, Con Air, Ghost Rider, Street Kings, Equilibrium (awsome movie btw), The Happening, Legend (1986... Lexi you will like it... its like "Labrynth"), The Amityville Horror (2005) Being John Malkovich (Which is really interesting in a completely fucked up kinda way), Alien, Aliens, Alien3, Dreamcatcher, and seasons 10 and half of 11 of Top Gear.... thats how bored I was this weekend!!!!!!!!!!

Hopefully next week will be better........................................................................................................


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